Saturday, July 12, 2008

Amuse-apalooza Winner

Well, this week I went to all three Amuse-apalooza classes at Shelz Studio and had a blast. I even won the big door prize ($100 of Amuse products in a cute little bag). Now I have about 12 different type of Christmas cards that have given me lots of new ideas to make other cards of my own.

I'm thinking about making a mix of cards (birthday, congrats, thanks, etc.) to donate to our family reunion as an auction item. At our family reunion everyone brings something to auction, and that's how we raise the money for the next year's reunion. :)

Anyway, if I had the strength and will power to scan some of the cards, I would, but, nah, at least not tonight.

And, for those of you who are interested in the A Muse Artstamp system, go to

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