Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth!

I feel so unprepared for the fourth this year. I didn't get my usual decorating completed, and that's driving me nuts. I have already passed up one picnic (with my mom's family) earlier today, and Jeff and I have finally pried ourselves off the bed/couch to take showers and go to his aunt's picnic. Usually I will make something to take to picnics, and I haven't done that!

So, we will have to stop somewhere to pick up something to bring to the picnic. I hate showing up empty handed to a picnic or party. SO...that means a trip to Wal-Mart. I really am starting to hate Wal-Mart. It has always been an irritation, but it is becoming one of my least favorite chores, even behind scrubbing the toilet!

Today is just one of those days where I feel like crap, and while it sucks that it is on the fourth, it beats feeling like this on a regular work day.

Just other random thoughts for the day -

Doesn't it suck that it is pouring the rain on the fourth?
It's great that one of my medications is FINALLY in generic form but it is only like a $40 dollar difference when generics are usually so much more economical.
I am about to either scream or cry about a few things going on with work.
This random thought is for June if she is checking this - I really think I like mimosas. !

Thanks for reading my randomness for the day... More bitching and complaining later I'm sure. I hope to sometime post about a book I'm reading, a movie I love, or even just something more academic in nature. So far you are reading daily bitch sessions!

1 comment:

lloydduvalljr said...

Hey Lori,
In response to the comment you left on my blog...
Yeah, I read Andy's, Jeff's, yours and Matt Good's on a regular basis now...
I'll keep it up and I'm looking forward to more from everyone!!!